Campaign and Facility Update
We are excited to give our members the latest update regarding our concession/restroom building at the OrthoCarolina Sportsplex! We are finally starting to move dirt to get the building constructed after several years of delay. Our delay has been based primarily upon increased construction costs resulting in some refinancing to make this project a reality. Therefore, we need your help!
If you have already donated to our Kick In Campaign we thank you wholeheartedly for being a committed member to the club and if you can donate again we would appreciate your support! Every dollar raised will help us construct the best building possible. The building will have men’s and women’s restrooms and a covered patio area. We are excited to announce our latest partnership with Circle K Corporation who will be running a “mini Circle K” concession stand within the building. Our planned construction completion date is February 1st in anticipation that the concession/restroom building is fully operational for the spring season.
Not only are we looking to update the OrthoCarolina Sportsplex, but there are additional facility updates your donation to the Kick In Campaign will benefit. We have launched a directed donation program, so you can choose where you would like your donation to be utilized. Listed below are goals for the other areas of the club.
Red Ventures: Our goal is to renovate the lights and look to re-seed and potentially sod the surfaces so Red Ventures becomes one of the top facilities in the area.
Palisades: Funds will be used to build shelters, a small restroom and a concessions building.
Huntersville & Matthews: We are continually working to create partnerships with the County Parks and Rec Departments for priority usage agreements and also to develop land and fields so that we can have similar usage agreements to that of Flat Branch Park next to Polo Ridge Elementary.
Uptown: We are excited to kick off the Uptwon Capital Campaign to support construction of two permanent soccer fields with lights at McClintock Middle School.
With your help, we can reach our goals and have some of the best facilities in these areas for our players and families. You can express where you would like your donation to go. Every dollar donated is tax deductible and will go toward these wonderful projects. We would hope that you would generously be a part of this campaign and we would welcome 100% participation from club members. Again, thank you for your continued support and commitment to CSA and we look forward to completing the next phase of our facilities!